About Me:
I grew up in San Diego, CA. I love the beach and Taylor Swift. I am a licensed clinical social worker with a specialized focus in helping people heal from religious trauma, rebuild their identity, hone in on core values, and set boundaries to create a life worth living.
I grew up as a faithful and dedicated member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I served a mission in Boston, Massachusetts and served as a temple worker.
I went to Brigham Young University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Family Life with a minor in Psychology, and a Master's degree in Social Work. I was married in an LDS temple and I have two kids.
Most importantly I am a licensed therapist and believe in the power of healing and reclaiming your autonomy.
I say all of this because I want you to know that I know what it is like to devote all that you are to a religion and then have your breaking point wondering what to do next. I know what it is like to try and change harmful culture and live with pervasive cognitive dissonance. I know what it is like to discover who you really are and build a life on your terms. I've been there and I can help you.